Enloe Theatre relies on support from parents and students to continue our tradition of excellent programing. Much of what is contributed is through volunteer hours and hard work. The other portion is through Fundraising for Student Accounts, The Scholarship or Scholarships and the Enloe Theatre department.
Updates and new fundraisers will be added through the year.
Unless otherwise noted all checks for fundraisers should be made payable to:
Enloe Arts Guild.
We have the following annual or semiannual fundraisers as noted below:
2 sales per year – fall and spring. Fall sale is September through early October and spring sale takes place late January through late April.
This is an opportunity for students to earn 50% of the sale price of the bulbs for their student accounts, i.e., the bulbs cost $14 for the customer - $7.00 goes to the Growing Green Company and $7.00 goes to student’s account . The student can sell as much as they want.
This is a new fundraiser –Enloe will produce a playbill program for audiences for both the fall play and spring musical. With four performances of each of these shows in our 800-seat theater, playbills have the potential to reach as many as 6400 theatergoers. For the fall play it is 1200 or more, for the spring play it is 2000-2500. This is inexpensive advertising for area businesses. And because students come to Enloe from all parts of Wake County, their ads will get wide local coverage. Friends and families may also purchase Shout-Outs – recognition notes to cast or crew members. (In trip years students earn 50% of ad sales for their student accounts. In non-trip years proceeds will be split between the students’ accounts and the Theatre department.)
Deadline for the spring musical Miss Saigon will be in late March. Major potential accounts will be made available for students to be assigned In February if they have not been approached prior to February. Until February any student can contact any account.
Every year during the Acting Night performances in November, we hold a Silent Auction in the theater lobby to raise funds for the Enloe Theatre Senior Scholarship. This scholarship is funded entirely through donations and from proceeds from the Silent Auction. The Enloe Theatre Senior Scholarship is awarded annually to one outstanding theatre student, chosen by the theatre teachers, who will be pursuing their performing arts education collegiately. THANK YOU TO SUZANNE BALLANTINE FOR HER EXCELLENT WORK THIS YEAR!!!- NEW LEAD NEEDED FOR FALL 2015
Students take orders for poinsettias (6.5” potted plants with green foil wrapping) selling for $15 each, with students earning $6.50 per plant. Orders due by November 13, 2014 and plants will be delivered to the school cafeteria December 4, 2014 after -1:30 for student pick-up and delivery.